A specialist in metal furniture, Acial is able to anticipate change and offer products tailored to the different needs of professionals from industrial, commercial and public sectors.
Lockers adapted to professional activities for employees; workbenches and cabinets for workshops; tambour cabinets and lockers for offices
Space-saving lockers for tight spaces, safety cabinets for patients' rooms, security furniture to protect confidential documents, deep
Lockers for kitchen and service staff, "hotel" safes and security cabinets for offices
Lockers for public employees, special lockers for fire fighters, security furniture and office cabinets for administrations, workshop furniture for maintenance departments
Special multi-tiered lockers for students, office cabinets and security furniture for administrative departments, workshop furniture f
Lockers for staff, multi-tiered lockers for sports teams, office cabinets, security cabinets and lockers for office workers, workshop furniture for maintenance departments
Acial S.A.S. 14 Avenue du Blanc F- 41110 Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher, France Tel. +33 (0)890 711 440 (€0,25/min)
or +33 (0)254 711 414 contact@acial.com
Since its establishment in 1958, Acial has focused on offering products designed to the various requirements of all the professional sectors.